The Art Society’s archive 1825–1925
The annotation of the archive material is based on the Kunstforening's printed accounts that were published in book form. In addition, we have relied on Flemming Friborg and Sten Fridlund Plewing's work in Det gode selskab - Kunstforeningens historier 1825-2000 (Gyldendal: 2000) and Kunstforeningen i København og dens betydning for danske malere i første halvdel af det 19. århundrede (Copenhagen: 1976) respectively.
The exhibition list is based on mentions and adverts in the daily press, Journal for Literatur og Kunst and the association's minutes in the years 1834-1850, mentions and adverts in the daily press in the years 1851-70 and mentions and adverts in the daily press and the association's minutes in the years 1871-1925. Reservations are made for varying spellings in the sources.
The personal biographies appear with direct source references, and for a number of images we also refer directly to the source in the caption.